Feeling lost…

For the last couple of months, I have felt lost. A sense of trying to find something amongst the chaos of uncertainty. My mind has been buffeted by possibilities yet I end up chasing threads that lead nowhere. Paralysis by analysis. I have struggled to write. Creativity has been pushed aside by anxiety. There are many factors in my life at the moment that are out of my control. Situations that I want to conclude but seem to continue to torment. Today, amongst this chaos I felt a fleeting moment of peace. For the first time in those chaotic months, I felt at rest.

It is a mixture of factors that led to this feeling. For the past few months, I have been using the skills I have learned to keep me going; meditation, exercise, communication and introspection. But eventually, the toolbox was empty. I had to return to the doctor and ask for help. I was reticent to take medication again after working so hard to get myself off them but I felt I had no choice. The physical symptoms were greater this time than last. Muscle aches, shaking, upset stomach and headaches were all present. I felt like I was doing things despite myself. Exercising took twice the energy it had done previously. I knew the direction I was heading if I didn’t do something. A return to fluoxetine was what was recommended. It helped last time. Hopefully, it would work this time. The first couple of weeks were pretty rough. An increase in suicide adulation but no desire to commit the act. An upset stomach. Stomach pain. It wasn’t unbearable but was enough to make me question whether it was worth it. But after two weeks, the side effects began to lessen. The intrusive thinking became less frequent. There were fleeting feelings of peace. It was a nice feeling.

The clarity it gave allowed me to take some time to reflect. To genuinely introspect without the unwelcome presence of intrusive thoughts. This morning, I took a slow walk along the seafront. The calm was like a vacuum. The silence was almost deafening after months of being barraged with thoughts. It took some adjusting.

I ordered a coffee and found a bench. I sat and looked out to sea. Embracing the quiet I began to wonder where it had gone wrong. Were had the anxiety crept back in? How had it consumed my thinking again? I was reminded of the power of now. I remembered that future outcomes are not yet decided. That there is only the moment I am in. That from the lessons of my past I can deal with eventualities as, and when, they arise. Ruminating on them solves nothing. It just causes pain. Remembering to bring back to the moment can get lost in the chaos of rumination. The nonstop possibilities crush hope and consume the freedom of thought. The fluoxetine has given me the space to put the tools back into operation. I sipped my coffee and let warm spring sun combined with the chilly spring wind, bring me back to the present. This moment is all there is. Enjoy it. Embrace it. The smiling faces of the people passing reminded me that there is hope. That amongst the chaos there are the simple things that bring joy. Those simple things exist in the here and now.

The feeling of being lost was a reflection of the chaotic thinking. I was trying to solve overthinking by thinking. The nonstop questioning is debilitating. I had to remember to bring it back to the moment. To pull my attention from the future and place it directly in front of me. It was the first time a genuine smile had crossed my face for a while. Amongst the anxiety there is peace. It has taken medication to give me the space to implement the practices I’ve learned but by doing so I have managed to fashion out a slither of contentment.

Surprising what a spring sun and a British seaside can do for your wellbeing!!

I stood up and walked back along the seafront. The spring sun felt warmer. The colours looked vibrant. There was a sense of optimism amongst the uncertainty. It was a feeling that no matter what happens there are options. That the pressure I feel is more perception than reality. The seafront felt calm even bristling with families. It’s surprising how much difference a short walk and a couple of minutes of introspection can make. Just a change of scenery and a moment of peace can draw me from the rumination. I can quite easily get drawn into laying in bed, watching endless TV shows, all the while wondering why I feel down. The rumination leads to guilt which only serves to fuel the self-loathing. A short walk breaks that cycle. It is a great reminder of how little I need to feel better. A half-hour walk on a sunny spring morning can do wonders for my well being. I’m lucky to be in a place that offers relative peace. It’s not so easy to find whilst in the city. A queue of aeroplanes and the hum of traffic discombobulate my senses. Magnified by the peace available in the lockdown the slow return to “normality” reminds me that the chaos is no longer welcome. The chaos of the city, once appealing, now only serves to amplify my anxiety. I once used the chaos to escape, now I want to escape the chaos.

There were fleeting moments, during the lockdown, last year where I felt a genuine connection to the world around me. The quiet reminded me that behind the bustle there is reality. Nature offered the peace I had long been seeking and had often found whilst travelling quieter places. That connection I felt is consumed by the sounds of life. The first time I noticed it was after walking the Inca trail. A few days of being free from technology and in the moment meant that I returned to London in a state of bliss. The feeling slowly slipped away. The peace evaporated into the screeching of tube train wheels on tracks. I sought to return to that feeling but have realised that I am looking in the wrong place. The question that rears its head is which is more important? The city life or my mental health? It’s an easy answer. Peace is preferable.

Passing the bustling beer gardens would once upon a time brought a pang of envy for a life I no longer lived. The years of sobriety have changed my perception of the “fun” of drinking; one isn’t enough but neither is enough. But when consumed in patterns of thinking that are destructive, I can imagine everyone is having a great time and I am the only one wallowing in self pity. In those moments, sobriety can seem like a punishment. When really it was the thing that enabled a life of exploration both inner and outer.

As I return home after my short walk, I realise that for the first time in a few months I feel at peace. No matter how fleeting this feeling is, it is a reminder that by doing the things that keep me well and reaching out when needed, it is possible to get some clarity.


Image – A Chaotic Mind by ReginaldJean

10 thoughts on “Feeling lost…

  1. City is packed with people… and some of friends who are empaths pick up all the thoughts and feelings of others… worse are the cases of people exuding fear… So grounding and detaching are so important these days, based on my personal experience. All the best! ✌🏻💕😇💕✌🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It can be no coincidence that people in cities have higher cases of mental health issues and stress. The problem is the incessant noise. Peace is hard to find but such a luxury to be savoured 🙂


  2. Medication can be great, it can pull us out of the chaotic thoughts and give us a safe place to reflect and live peacefully. It’s great that you were able to recognise that you needed a little help. We all do at times. I am with you on the walks, they are my reset button!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment. I was sceptical of the benefits but the medication has helped. If only to get me doing the things I used to do to stay well. Walking is my favourite thing. It’s like exercise and meditation in one activity. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. i so resonate with all of this..have struggled for months with depression and anxiety. It even contributed to a alcohol relapse from november thru january until i realized what was happening. I recommitted to sobriety in january but 3 times i have succumbed to the siren of drinking , mainly because i felt that i had tried and retried everything in my toolbox without success. Well, of course drinking wasnt the answer and only made me feel worse and guilty. I just started St. Johns Wort ( a cant do SSRI’s) and eliminated all caffiene. In just a week i feel about 50% better. Although i can still feel the depression demon lurking, it seems like i dont spiral down into it like i was.. Not counting my chickens yet but fingers crossed. And yes, exercise and getting outdoors was/is what i have been using to break the cycle so that helps as well. good read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry to hear about your struggles. It has been a testing time and can understand the return to drinking. Addiction preys on moments of weakness. It promises a solution but only serves to worsen the problems. I’m glad to hear you are still fighting to be free from that.

      I don’t know if depression ever disappears completely. It just lays dorment. A singular event or a series of events can awaken it. That is why it is vitally important to do the things that keep us well. I am guilty of not reaching out when I feel okay. I stop meditating because I feel good. Slowly I slip back and wonder why. But the moments of peace do exist. It does get easier. Even the worse times sober are more manageable and pass sooner than the continued chaos trapped in the life of addiction.

      Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. One day at a time. Slowly. Don’t expect too much. Remember it is okay to be okay and okay to not be okay. Acceptance. Then slowly the days become weeks and the weeks become years.

      On the 1st June, I will be seven years sober. The recent struggles have been a blot compared to the joy I have been lucky to experience along the way. It is worth the perseverance. And I didn’t quit first time. It took me a heavy 2 years relapse to accept defeat.

      Good luck on your road to sobriety.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I, too ,have been struggling as of late. Usually able to control my drinking, kept up exercise, walks in the park during Covid. Then, starting in April. it hit. Mom is aging, no help from my brother, son on his own with his own life, just feel so alone and without connection or purpose. No work for the past year. Hopefully, it will pass. Tough to bear.


    1. Sorry to hear about your struggles. Have you sought help from a counsellor or Doctor? They might be able to help. Or online support groups maybe? I have had problems with AA but the meetings where a gift during the lockdown. I know friends that have found online support groups for ADHD, anxiety and other addictions. Some are flourishing now due that support. The exercise is a must and great to hear you are keeping it up. Plenty of sleep and a good balanced diet help also. I can assure you that there are people who would relish your company. I signed up for a befreinding service during the lockdown because I noticed the impact of loneliness and thought I might be able to help someone. A couple of hours a week has helped him no end. So I am sure you have something to offer so maybe look at voluntary work. Small steps but a little action goes a long way. I hope it gets easier for you, thanks for your comment, Charlie.


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